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Katy ISD launches attendance boundary modification process

Nov 21, 2013

Katy ISD launches attendance boundary modification process


During the Nov. 18 Board work study meeting, the District began the Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM) process to address enrollment in the southwest quadrant of the District.

The District began construction last spring on two new elementary schools scheduled to open in August 2014; elementary schools #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch) and #37 (in Cross Creek Ranch). The construction of these schools was a direct result of savings realized from the November 2010 bond. To prepare for the opening of these new schools, Katy ISD has asked the District’s demographic consultant, Population and Survey Analysts (PASA), to develop a recommendation for new attendance zones.

The recommendation that was presented to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees last night impacts students currently attending Shafer, Wolman and WoodCreek Elementary Schools. PASA has been assessing the possibilities for attendance boundary modifications for several months, but waited until the most recent demographic update was completed before finalizing a recommendation. The following are those neighborhoods that would be impacted by PASA’s recommended Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM):

Transitioning from Wolman Elementary to Elementary #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch)

- LUZ 67D Silver Ranch (New Sections)

- LUZ 67F Cardiff Ranch

- LUZ 73B Churchill Farms

- LUZ section 9A-17 of Cinco Northwest (Future Development)

Transitioning from WoodCreek Elementary to Elementary #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch)

- LUZ 67C Pine Mill Ranch

Transitioning from Shafer Elementary to Elementary #37 (in Cross Creek Ranch)

- LUZ 73A Cross Creek Ranch

A map of the recommended attendance boundary modification can be found online on the District’s ABM webpage. A final recommendation for attendance boundaries will be presented to the Board of Trustees no later than December.

To provide public input over the preliminary ABM option, community members may:

• Call the Parent and Patron Assistance Center at (281) 396-2441

• Send an email to communications@katyisd.org

Information about the ABM process can be found on the Katy ISD website.

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